Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mission Organization Complete

After several weeks of sorting, purging and cleaning, I have finally finished organizing my craft room to my satisfaction.

This is the corner where the treadmill used to be.

This is where the copy machine and my old stereo was located. Note the tribute to the King on the wall.

My new sewing table. I still have a shelving unit I will be putting either on this wall or the wall adjacent. This shelf will house things such as my paints, sewing notions, glues and other misc items I use on a daily basis.

This is the corner where my scroll saw was located. Since I don't use it daily, I moved it to a spare room upstairs. I will still be able to use it when needed, I will just have to go upstairs to do it. I need the exercise anyway.

I would have liked to have painted this room, but I am not able myself due to a respiratory problem I have. But there is a young college girl who is looking for some work and I might pay her to do it for me. I actually have a gallon of a pale yellow that was left over when I had my hallway painted a few weeks ago. I have a nice piece of fabric that will make an excellent curtain that would match the paint perfectly.

If you missed it, my clean and organized closet was pictured in a previous post.

Ahhh....I feel so much better. Now I just need to get motivated to get some crafting done! But first I think I will take a nap.

Have a great day everyone.


Arlette said...

Get up Joyce, get up. Can you hear me, Joyce, time to get up and start crafting. rofl
I think pale yellow would be very pretty in your room.
I'll send you some (((motivating vibes))) so you can start messing up that clean room again... hehehe

sweetiepie said...

I think I am feeling those vibes you are sending, Lettie. Yeah, thats it, I better go to town and by some polka dot

Thanks for the comment.

The Southern Mom said...

Whoo-hoo - I'd whistle if I could!
That room looks great! Oh yeah... get up, go buy more deserve it!

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Wow, Joyce! It looks great!
I'm so jealous of all the table space you have.
Lots and lots of room to create.

Ok, now pick a project and get sewing! LOL

Kimberly :)

Aunt Jo said...

Just look at that space. You're so organized now.

I'm a messy crafter too. :)