Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Who is that biker chick?

Where does the time go? It seems like yesterday I posted to my blog, but I find it has been over 2 weeks. I just have so much going on right now, I can’t seem to find the time.

In two short weeks I will become a Grandma for the second time. I am so excited. My daughter and her hubbie are expecting a little girl to be born on July 8th. Her first little boy was delivered by C-section, so this one is already scheduled. That is if she makes it that long.

On Friday the 13th, I received a call at around 9 o’clock in the morning from my daughter. She asked if I could meet her at the hospital, her boss was taking her. She was having some serious back pain. I called my younger daughter who happened to be on vacation that day and away we went.

Imagine this, not only are you 8 months pregnant but now you discover you have a kidney stone. A most painful malady. They say kidney stones are more painful than labor pain. I hope I never find out.

It was so hard for me to see her in so much pain and there was not one thing I could do to take it away. They finally gave her something to take the edge off the pain about 1pm. They did keep her in the hospital overnight to monitor the baby. Sometimes things like kidney infections will bring on labor. I hope we don’t have to go through that again.

I have been doing a few things in my newly organized craft room when I have time. I made this chicken for a friend. It is a holder for those plastic bags you get at the supermarket. Her kitchen is done in primary colors with a motorcycle theme. I also made a couple of pot holders with the fabric that was left over. I thought they turned out kind of cute.

I do have a few other things in the works, if I could just find time to work on them!

Have a great day!


The Southern Mom said...

Oh no, I can't imagine having kidney stones as well as being pregnant...that's horrible. My last kidney stones had to be surgically removed...but not before all the pain! Yeah...I'd rather have a baby, at least you get something out of it!

Arlette said...

I'm glad to hear that your daughter is doing better. That surely had to be a horrible situation for her to be in.
I love your chicken bag holder. Very cute. Your pot holders are fabulous too. I'm sure your friend will be delighted to receive these beautiful items.
Just two more weeks, Joyce. How exciting!!! I'll be waiting for the news. Take care.

Aunt Jo said...

Congratulations on the new grandbaby. I hope your daughter does well.

I love the chicken. So cute!

corry said...

Thanks for your visit and congratulations to you too on the newborn grandchild! It sure feels very special! I hope your daughter is doing well? That must have been horrible kidney stones and pregnant!

Annette said...

What a relief that your daughter is doing better. I hope everything goes okay for the rest of her pregnancy and that you enjoy your new little one. So precious. Your biker chick is so cute and clever. Just love it!

Katherine said...

Oh, I can't imagine how painful that must have been for your daughter. Yikes!

I love your biker chick! What a cute idea. I bet your friend will be so pleased with your handmade gift.

Anonymous said...

Being a biker chick myself I really love this chicken!! I'm trying to collect some bikerfabrics (with no skeletons,betty boop, etc) and they are hard to find. Do you know the designer/manufacturer of this fabric so I can search for it on the internet?